2010 Events



Special Activities for 2010

Season long photo contest


Check in store for details


Tell us your stories about Woodcrest.

We'd like to compile a vacation tales book.







July 3               Wolf Creek Wood Carving- demonstration and sale - 10 am to 5 pm

July 3               Large Fireworks Display at beach - at dark

July 10            Fishing Derby for Adults and  Kids -  license free weekend

                        Catch and Release Derby - Prizes.  Measuring  until 5 pm.  

July 17            Annual Horseshoe Tournament - Prizes - 10 am start

July 17            Scavenger Hunt for Kids and Teens - Prizes - Fri to Sun

                        Check in store for info

July 24            Family Craft Day - 1 pm - 4 pm

                        Bring your imagination!

July 31            Lillian's Ceramics- Paint and Brushes Included in  Price of item

                        10 am - 3 pm





August 1             Kid's Play Day- races and games at beach - Prizes -10 am start

                        Check in store for details

August 1            Music by -Buck Owens- D.J Extraodinaire

                        Dance Under the Stars - Music for all ages.

August 7            Carnival Day!   Loads of fun for the whole family    

August 14           Bocce Ball Games - 10 am - 12 pm

August 21           Annual Shuffleboard Tournament - Prizes - 10 am start

August 28           The "Not So NEWLYWED GAME"       8  pm

                         See how well they really  know each other!!

Sept. 4               Family Sand Castle Building - 10 am - 2 pm

Sept. 5               Red Green Boat Races - 1 pm

Sept 5                Music By -Buck Owens- D.J Extraodinaire

                        Dance Under the Stars - Music for all ages


                        Thanksgiving Potluck Supper -  ( theme to be determined)

Weekly 50/50 draws, Bingo and Wagon Rides

Every Saturday Night

                                Copyright © 2010 Woodcrest Resort Park